• Weight Loss
  • Corrective Exercise
  • Posture
  • Mobility
  • Building Muscle/Aesthetics
  • Athletic Performance
  • Youth and Adolescent Training
  • 60-pound Personal Weight Loss
  • Successfully supported numerous clients in achieving body composition and postural correction goals
  • Avid Backpacker; summited Yosemite's Half Dome and Cloud's Rest
  • Former Athlete (Baseball)

After spending the majority of my life overweight and later losing 60 pounds, I approach my clients' goals with a combination of empathy and meticulousness. I understand that people are dynamic; a fitness paradigm that is right for one client might not be right for another, and I work closely with my clients to find a formula that will deliver them a lifetime of success. Exercise is a tool that can be used to build up many different pursuits—anything from preventing chronic pain to becoming an explosive athlete—and I help my clients apply exercise with confidence and success.

  • Certified Personal Trainer, NASM
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist, NASM
  • BA with Highest Honors, Anthropology—University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Foothill College Honors Scholar
  • Self-Myofascial Release and Vibration Technology Certified—Hyperice Academy
  • CPR/AED Certified

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